Desert coolers efficiency in Abu Dhabi

Evaporative air coolers, also known as swamp coolers, are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional air conditioning systems. They work by drawing in warm air from outside, passing it through a moistened pad, and then blowing out cool, humidified air.

Outdoor cooling machine HYD-8000X

However, the efficiency of evaporative coolers can be affected by a number of factors, including temperature and humidity levels. In Abu Dhabi, where the weather can be hot and humid for much of the year, it’s important to understand when and how to use these coolers to ensure optimal efficiency.

Directly related to weather:

The best months to use or rent evaporative air coolers in Abu Dhabi are typically between October and March, when the weather is dry and humidity levels are low. During these months, the temperature is generally comfortable and the air is not too humid, which allows for effective evaporative cooling.

To get a better sense of the expected efficiency of outdoor air coolers in Abu Dhabi, let’s take a look at the weather data from last year. According to the Abu Dhabi Climate Center, the average temperature in Abu Dhabi from October 2021 to March 2022 was 25.5°C (78°F), with average humidity levels ranging from 32% to 58%.

Based on this data, we can estimate the expected efficiency of evaporative air cooling machines in Abu Dhabi during the best months for their use. The table below shows the expected efficiency of evaporative outdoor coolers at different temperature and humidity levels, based on data from the US Department of Energy:

Temperature (°C)Humidity (%)Expected Efficiency (%)

As you can see from the table, the expected efficiency of evaporative air coolers decreases as temperature and humidity levels increase. However, even at higher temperatures and humidity levels, These coolers can still provide some level of cooling, which can be helpful in reducing energy consumption and costs compared to traditional air conditioning systems.

It’s worth noting that the efficiency of evaporative air coolers can also be affected by factors such as the size of the unit, the quality of the pads, and the air flow rate. Therefore, it’s important to choose the right size and type of evaporative portable air cooler for your specific needs and to maintain the unit regularly to ensure optimal performance.


In summary, the best months to use evaporative air coolers in Abu Dhabi are between October and March, when the weather is dry and humidity levels are low. Based on weather data from last year, we can estimate the expected efficiency at different temperature and humidity levels. While they may not be as effective in hot and humid conditions, they can still provide some level of cooling and are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional air conditioning systems.

At the end, here are links to our air coolers buy/rent pages to check: